school of sacred self-care PRESENTS

full moon ceremony

Mon Nov 27th 8-9.30pm, Online via Zoom

Harnessing the Power of the Lunar Phases as a guide on your path on the transformative journey back to YOU.

You yearn for more from life. For more joy, excitement, more time for you, to fall back in love with life.

I've created this space because I know firsthand what it is to teeter at the brink and wonder if ‘this is it?!’.  To sense that there is more here for you. We are creators and we get to create our lives on purpose!

The Earth offers a wondrous blueprint to facilitate our return to our genuine selves, enabling the creation of a life that aligns with our essence. In this sacred ceremony, we harness the auspicious energy of the full moon to contemplate and let go, aiding your journey back to your true self.


“I got more from a two hour circle than I did from 6 months of counselling!”


“You've managed to create such a safe and welcoming group where there is absolutely no judgement...I've not known anything like this...I feel like I've found a space where I can totally be what I need to be at that moment and I flipping love it!”


Limited spaces

What does the ceremony entail?


Opening the space, grounding and connecting in with your true self.


An intuitively guided teaching.


Guided meditative journey to connect with the amplified energy of the moon to access and deepen your connection with your true self.


Reflective journaling.


Sharing circle where you are free to share anything you feel called to or listen and absorb.